Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Funding Opportunity: Assist in the Purchase of Clean Fuel Vehicles and Diesel Retrofit Technologies | Due April 30

Funding Opportunity
The Connecticut Department of Transportation (Department) is seeking proposals for the Connecticut Clean Fuel (CCF) program. The CCF program was created to promote clean transportation by encouraging municipalities and other public transportation entities to include alternative fuel vehicles (AFV) and/or diesel retrofit technologies (DRT) in their fleets. The program encourages adoption of clean fuel vehicle technology by providing funds for the differential cost between conventionally fueled vehicles and vehicles that operate on compressed natural gas, propane, electricity or other alternative source of power. Electric hybrid vehicles are eligible under this program. The program also provides funds for the full cost of DRT hardware. The installation and maintenance cost is the responsibility of your organization. Examples of DRT include diesel particulate filters, diesel oxidation catalysts and closed crankcase filtration systems.

Since the program funds the differential cost of AFVs, choosing an AFV for your fleet will generally cost you no more than the equivalent gasoline or diesel version of that vehicle.

Contact: Kevin Peak
Email: kevin.peak@ct.gov      Phone: 860.594.2807

The application form and a Request for Proposal that describes the program are available on the Department's Bids/RFPs portal located on the web at www.ct.gov/dot. Select Doing Business with ConnDOT on the top navigation bar and click on ConnDOT Bids and RFPs under Contractor Resources (or direct link http://www.biznet.ct.gov/scp_search/BidDetail.aspx?CID=35222).

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Municipal and State EV Charging Incentive Program

Round 3 Municipal and State EV Charging Incentive Program 

DEEP is pleased to announce that funds are now available for municipalities and state agencies to promote electric vehicle (EV) use by sponsoring electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) at major traffic generators such as town halls or downtown areas central to destinations and underserved by existing charging stations.  The goal of this program is to support efforts towards putting 3.3 million EVs on the road by 2025. 

Specific details about the incentives available can be found on the EVConnecticut incentive webpage. The closing date for applications is Tuesday, April 28 at 5:00. 

For municipalities or state agencies that are looking to purchase EVSE equipment from vendors awarded state procurement contracts please view Contract 13PSX0316 on Connecticut's State Contracting portal.
Please contact us at  EVConnecticut@ct.gov if you have questions or need
further information.
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Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection